Id-Fungi Plates (IDFP): the tool for mold identification
The IDFP mission: rendering universal the identification of molds and dermatophytes by Maldi-Tof.
Why choose this mold-identification tool?
The IDFP product range was developed to improve mold growth and produce a greater mass in a short period of time.
This innovative mold identification tool relies on two key elements:
- A unique membrane that serves to limit the contact of the sample with the agar, thus facilitating the recovery of the mycelium for identification;
- a specific culture medium with optimized composition and pH, giving results within 24h to 48h incubation for filamentous molds.
The IDFP allow a reduction in loss with 20% more samples being identified as compared to with conventional methods after the first trial (direct deposit).
Our trials with partner laboratories revealed a global reduction in analytical costs (reagents and man-hours) in comparison to conventional methods.
The workflow is as simple and efficient as bacterial identification by Maldi-Tof.
Finally, since 2020, our product is now CE-IVD certified!
IDFP – an innovative product
IDFP are already used in a range of diverse applications in different market segments providing strong benefits to users.
Human and animal health
- Increased reliability in the identification of infections
- Faster results for improved patient management
- Simplified protocol for technicians
Quality control in industry (pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agri-food)
- Rapid workflow optimizes reactivity in the event of contamination
- Internal (re)integration of tests and results analyses
- Ease of implementation and reproducibility of methods on different sites/laboratories
Research & Development
- Easy implementation for use on your MALDI-TOF apparatus
- Improved test standardization
- Increased precision in the characterization of your strains
Fungal diseases of the skin
Certain fungal species can cause diseases of the skin. Such species are named dermatophytes. These microscopic fungi form filaments during their development that requires keratin, hence appearance on hair and nails.
The skin disease caused by these fungal species is called dermatophytosis or ringworm. Epidermophyton, Microsporum and Trichophyton are the genera most commonly causing ringworm in humans.
The IDFP procedure for fungal species identification
The approach is the same as with standard agar plates. Lightly streak the sample present on a swab across the whole agar surface covered with the transparent membrane.
Direct deposits of the sample should be made on the transparent membrane.
Id-Fungi Plates supplier in US and Canada :
Depositing complex samples
Sub-culturing mold on IDFP
Depositing on Maldi-TOF target

Certificates of analyses
Certificates of analysis for our IDFP products are available online. You can download them by clicking on the link below.
Our solutions associated with IDFP
Analysis of contaminated material
Let's work together !
If you have any needs or questions about environmental microbiology, contact us and we'll provide you with the answers you need.